2 minute read


I was working with a coworker to port some old code recently to work smarter and simpler, when I noticed that some new database queries that I had written were fast locally, but ran 3-5x slower in SQL Azure.

We checked the database load at first, expecting that it was heavily overloaded, but found that it wasn’t an issue. Our next guess was hardware differences, but I found that the same queries weren’t much slower in a VM on my laptop or on my coworker’s laptop than they were on my powerful desktop.

With those two ruled out, it was time to go to the EXPLAIN plan. Initially, we didn’t think that was going to prove useful because we expected the difference to be hardware/load–it turned out that we were totally wrong.

Here’s what our query looked like (table and column names are changed to protect the guilty innocent):

FROM TableA a
JOIN TableB b ON b.Id = a.BId
LEFT JOIN TableB b2 ON b2.Id = a.OtherBId
JOIN TableC c ON c.Id = l.CId
LEFT JOIN TableC c2 ON c2.OtherId = l.COtherId

The LIKE clauses at the end were searching over TableB via b and b2, and were as few as 1, and as many as 3 (each with two LIKEs joined by an OR).

SQL Azure and Parallel Queries Permalink

Once we compared EXPLAIN plans from both SQL Server 2012/2014 (these had some minor, but inconsequential, differences) and SQL Azure, the reason was clear. The bare metal SQL Server plan had a single index scan to process the LIKE operators, and was followed by nested loops to resolve joins into TableB and TableC. Here’s what that looked like (this plan comes from SSMS running against a local server–real table names are blacked out):

There’s parallelism at every step of the query (the yellow double-arrow marks), and only at the end are the streams gathered and sorted (the “Gather Streams” operator right before sorting for DISTINCT).

Here’s the same query, with the plan from SQL Azure (using the SQL Azure management Silverlight console, which produces nicer query plan images):

The plan looks almost exactly the same, except there’s no parallelism. We’d found our culprit.


Normally, on SQL Server, query parallelism is controlled by the MAXDOP (maximum degrees of parallelism) setting, which you can either configure globally or on a per-query basis as a query hint (where we wrote OPTION (LOOP JOIN) above, we’d write something like OPTION (LOOP JOIN, MAXDOP = 5)). Usually it’s set to 0, which means “use all the CPUs available”.

On SQL Azure, the setting is permanently set to 1, which means no parallelism at all (only 1 operation at any given time)–this is documented on Microsoft’s documentation page for T-SQL statements/query hints on SQL Azure. None of us had seen this bit of documentation before, so it came as a bit of a surprise.

We ended up using the query in production anyway–it was still faster than what we had by a significant margin, even if it was 3-4x slower than running on full-fledged SQL Server. We also learned to make sure to test new queries more thoroughly on the target environment, not just for correctness, but also for performance, as it appears that SQL Azure’s restrictions can, and do, affect it in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

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